

Domain Buddy

Domain name is known as digital real estate where every online business foundation is build for their successful journey. It is always recommended to start online business with right domain name at right time as the value of desired domain name will increase once a business establish with non-premium domain name.

Domain buddy is a domain name consulting firm specialised in domain name acquisition, brokering, lawyer and brand monitoring to help business owners to own and protect their brand name .

Free Service Offering:

Domain Name Brokering

Domain Buddy offer you FREE brokering service to acquire domain name from current owner to start or expand your business in digital world. This process involve tasks like check the domain name availability, identify the owner, get the contact email/number, negotiate with owner within your budget, close the deal if both parties reach an agreement for price and initiate domain transfer using third-party escrow service (service fee need to be paid by buyer).

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Premium Service:

This Is Not Free Service!

Domain Name Lawyer

Domain name lawyer helps you in legal aspects related to domain name such as UDRP/INDRP disputes or file petition against cybersquatting.

Brand Monitoring

Domain Buddy helps you to monitor your brand name mentioned anywhere in the online world including social media to protect your brand name from fraudsters.


Share Your Requirement

NOTE : Domain Buddy do not entertain spam request or selling your own domain names! Appreciate your support to value their time for offering this free service to utilise by needy users and there may be a delay in response based on the number of requests from the users.


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DISCLAIMER: The trademarked names and logos showcased in this website are owned by our collaborative partners or respective companies. We do not have direct dealing with their business and hence we request you to understand their policies before making any payment for premium services. Appreciate your support to make this initiate a success and let the world know we are here to grow together freely :)


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